Dumping option

To the editor:

In response to the Journal-World front page article on Saturday, July 30, the Lawrence City Commission members should discuss, in their next meeting, a legal solution to the problem of Dumpster diving. My suggestion is to give a flyer to EVERY apartment complex that is experiencing this problem asking the managers to inform every tenant of a designated area in that complex where students can take their unwanted items still in good shape and leave them there. This way the students can get rid of the things they don’t want without the hassle of transporting them to a different location. This also leaves the Dumpsters to be used for actual trash.

People can then go to that designated area and pick and choose what they want to take home without getting into the Dumpsters. This would be worked out with the apartment complex managers of course, allowing non-tenants to come onto their property. Am I naive or would this actually work? To see all the stuff thrown away (and I have seen it) that is in fine shape, and others could use, is almost sickening.

Lawrence should really try to rectify this problem.

Sandra Walls,
