Shameful honor

To the editor:

To further comment regarding Thursday’s On the Street question about whether the federal government should apologize to American Indians, the first step in that apology should come in the form of posthumous revocation of the Medal of Honor awarded to 21 of the many soldiers that were responsible for the deaths of mostly women, children and unarmed men at Wounded Knee in 1890. The medals (or replicates) should be given to the highest tribal member in ceremony with the highest news coverage so the world can bear witness.

I would hope the medals would be buried at the mass grave at Wounded Knee. The people who died that day are the braves ones. This action could NEVER undo the tragedy that occurred but may serve as a form of forgiveness and the beginning of healing, plus a display of long-awaited respect to the original Americans and forgiveness. To further your interest in how/why these men received these medals, go online or to the library. Look up Medal of Honor recipients. To read it is shameful.

Kathleen Christian,
