A disgrace

To the editor:

The recent article about the Barker Avenue roundabout and the comparison to the Chi Omega fountain amused me. To compare the two is a disgrace to whomever designed the Chi Omega fountain. Why has no one complained about it for 50 years? Maybe because it is well-designed, attractive and made of quality materials. None of those apply to the Barker roundabout or any others. None of them will be around in 50 years, nor will those who made the decision to have them constructed.

Everyone in town should see the mess on O’Connell Road. If that is the best that Lawrence can have with an architect on the commission and a school of architecture, then this is truly a pretty sorry mess we are in.

Who are these folks coming to look at these “things”? What states are they coming from? Why wasn’t a photo of the Chi Omega fountain put beside the Barker obstruction?

Now with this recent scoring of problem intersections, aka, “smoke and mirrors,” nothing is going to change.

Where are these commissioners on repairing the infrastructure they talked about in the campaign? Ah, the campaign is over, so back to business as usual.

David Holroyd,
