What harm?

To the editor:

In response to M. Lindeman’s letter of April 20, I would submit that my civil rights are indeed being violated by not allowing me to marry whom I chose. Put yourself in my shoes. If you were told that you could not marry the person you loved, would you not feel like a second-class citizen? It is NOT a question of behavior. Just because a majority of people in Kansas weighed in against my right to marry another man, doesn’t make it right. Majority does not always equal right.

I think it is you who needs to “sit back and take a long look at yourself.” Ask yourself how does my marrying another man personally impact your life or the lives of your loved ones. Do you even know me? Is the quality of your life lessened because of whom I choose to commit myself to? Are you harmed somehow? You are correct! I “just don’t get it.”

John Connolly,
