Loving God

To the editor:

Growing up a Unitarian Universalist, I learned ALL people are created equal, no ifs, ands, buts. I learned judging others is a foolish waste of time which, while best left to God, is often employed by the insecure to bolster their own views while keeping them from actually working to help the less fortunate or marginalized members of society. I also learned that Universalism means we believe in universal salvation because God is a loving savior — not a wrathful deity as ancient Greeks and Romans portrayed their gods.

It is, of course, possible (as we are all human) that God is a wrathful and hateful Man, just as the ancient pagans and Fred believe. It is, of course, possible, that I am following the wrong leaders down the wrong path. However, I will continue to “pray for the dead, and fight like hell for the living.” For if there is a hell, I would rather be there with those people who spent their lives in good works than in heaven with the pious, hate-mongering followers of a racist, sexist, homophobic God.

Caitlin Boley,
