War breeds war

To the editor:

It is interesting to note that all of our politicians are decrying a “war on terror.” The American people are bent on the idea of killing terrorists to make America safe from their harm. This idea is counterproductive to creating a solution. Every time we kill a terrorist, we create a hundred more terrorists. This cycle must stop.

Isn’t it time to use some diplomacy and try to get to the bottom of the reasons some of the world hates us. Terrorists are not against our freedoms, or hate our democracy. They don’t fight us because we are capitalists and wealthy.

They fight us because the American government supports nations that have enslaved them and have taken over their lands and their freedoms. The people the terrorists fight for have become homeless, unemployed, hungry and hopeless. Their sons and daughters are killed in a violence that is unfair and inhuman. They have lost most of the things they had prior. They see occupiers coming to their houses, ordering all of the occupants out, then bulldozing the house to the ground. When asked why they did that, the occupiers say, “no one was living there” or, “this is a hideout for terrorists.”

The way to stop the continuous cycle of killing is to find a solution to the problem, not wage war against the symptom. The real cause of terrorism is the element we must examine because until we do so, there will be many more needless deaths.

David Omar,
