Voice from past

To the editor:

For those Americans with uneasy feelings regarding our war in Iraq and the reasons provided by Washington to justify our invasion, 60 years ago, the nexus of Germany’s decision to start a war was explained in simple language by a decision-maker in sworn testimony and fact.

“It is natural for the common people to not want war but, after all, it is a country’s leaders who determine policy and it is an easy matter to convince the people. Whether they have a voice or not, the people can always be made to do what their rulers wish. It’s easy. All you have to do is tell them they are under attack and condemn the pacifists for their lack of patriotism and for exposing their country to danger.” — Herman Goering, Nuremberg Trials, 1945.

This is not meant as an indictment of the Bush administration or Congress, rather historical reference to another invasion by the country that initiated World War II, the deadliest war in history. Food for thought.

Curt Bennett,
