More surprises?

To the editor:

I read Don Conrad’s Sept. 17 letter to the editor with great interest and decided to respond with my own predictions for what surprises October might hold.

1. Another Vietnam vet will come forward with information that he was coerced into saying what the Democrats told him to say and not what really happened.

2. Documents from the 1970s “proving” that George W. Bush was delinquent in his National Guard duties will be uncovered complete with the original CD and Word 2000 files.

3. Dan Rather will retain his position with CBS while stumping for Kerry on the campaign trail between speaking engagements to dispel the “myth” of the liberal media.

4 The campaign to silence the members of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth from speaking about their personal experiences in Vietnam will continue while will release a new and brutal ad without even the slightest hint of proof.

5. Kerry, who by his own words, supported the war, then opposed it, then supported it, will once again oppose it in early October only to support it later that month just in time to once again oppose it on the first of November to cement his voting base and still lose by 8 points.

There are my predictions, Mr. Conrad. Time will tell which one of us is right and which one is wrong.

Rich Colson,
