Voters’ choice

To the editor:

Democracy’s worst enemy is voter apathy.

Our best hope is at least a 90 percent voter turnout. There are many more of us (average Americans struggling to pay our bills) than there are Fortune 500 billionaires who own multinational corporations. Always remember that the less we participate and vote, the more certain the power shifts to big money.

Please put aside the propaganda produced by spinmeisters on both sides and ask yourselves the basic questions that count.

Do you (the individual voter) want four more years of what you have experienced these past four years with the Bush-Cheney administration? If you do then by all means go to the polls and vote for their re-election.

However, if you believe as I do that our nation can and should do much, much better, the only chance of that happening is to go and vote them out of office.

Freda Hickam,
