Roundabout fan

To the editor:

On a recent visit to Lawrence, I happened to drive through two of the city’s new “modern roundabouts.” I’m glad to see Lawrence taking such a progressive step in solving traffic problems. This summer, I drove in roundabouts in Europe and was impressed with the way they slowed traffic but didn’t stop it; they seemed like a perfect alternative to the four-way stop or traffic signal.

Intrigued, I later researched roundabouts and learned that the staff of the civil engineering department at Kansas State University is one of the country’s leading authorities on roundabouts and the Kansas Department of Transportation actively promotes roundabouts for Kansas cities and towns.

Surprisingly, modern roundabouts dramatically reduce accidents and are less expensive to install and operate than traffic signals. They also greatly improve vehicle fuel mileage, reduce vehicle emissions and save drivers time. It’s no wonder American traffic engineers are fast learning what the Europeans have known for 35 years: Roundabouts are a “win-win” situation for everyone. Lawrence’s planners and engineers are to be congratulated for being foresighted professionals.

Marc Coan,

Lake Oswego, Ore.