Unitarian view

To the editor:

We are pleased that Plymouth Congregational Church has made a declaration to be an openly welcoming and affirming congregation including people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered. We applaud the thoughtful and caring process undertaken by the Plymouth congregation.

We are pleased that Plymouth’s action may include performing same-sex unions. The process included a careful study of the fundamentals of Christianity and the teachings of Jesus.

As Unitarian Universalists we are proud to stand with Plymouth, Peace Mennonite, Unity and other religious congregations in Lawrence who declare, unequivocally, the worth and dignity of all human beings.

Gender and sexual orientation among Unitarian Universalists are not divisive denominational issues. Over the past ten years the Lawrence UU has hosted several same-sex unions. Over half of our clergy are women and, for years, UU ministers have included openly lesbian women and gay men. Our UU fellowship has adopted provisions of inclusion and has voted to use the UU study curriculum to better comprehend what it means to be welcoming, open and affirming.

As a Unitarian Universalists, I am proud of the Lawrence community for generally welcoming and affirming young people, women and men and their families, regardless of their gender and sexual orientations.

Forrest Swall, chair-elect,

The Lawrence Unitarian Fellowship