Show of character

To the editor:

A few weeks ago, a young man named Jonathan and Free State High School’s Student Political Awareness Club, stood across the street from the Phelps brigade as they picketed Plymouth Congregational Church. In addition, they raised money to support Douglas County AIDS Project’s programs. According to Jonathan, this would be the ultimate reverse effect of the Phelps group’s attempts, as DCAP consumers are one of the targets of their hate.

That Sunday, the Phelps group picketed three Lawrence churches holding hateful signs and yelling hateful things to all entering their places of worship. Across the sidewalk were Jonathan and other supporters holding signs thanking the churches for welcoming all people regardless of their differences and calling for people to stand up against hate in Lawrence.

While $350 was raised for DCAP programs that day, the bigger success was that everyday heroes stood with faith communities resolved to assure all persons, regardless of their differences, are welcome in their congregations and in our community. Truly, they were mobilizers of a community of caring for those afflicted by hate and bigotry.

On behalf of DCAP and its consumers (many of whom are targets of the Phelps hatred), I wish to say thanks to Jonathan, his friends, the Plymouth Congregational Church, St. John the Evangelist Church, and Trinity Episcopal Church for their model of kindness and compassion for us all. You truly are the fabric of this community’s character.

Geri Summers,
