Clinton choice

To the editor:

I am intrigued by the decision to ask former President Bill Clinton to give the inaugural lecture at the Dole Institute of Politics. When former Sen. Bob Dole said the decision “sets entirely the right tone in terms of having the institute embody nonpartisan public service,” I was even more intrigued.

I don’t recall the last time we had a nonpartisan president. While I cannot argue with the institute’s director that Clinton will pack the house, I have to wonder whether the institute’s mission is to pack the house for lectures or to provide unique educational opportunities for students, a forum for intellectual discussions and encourage students’ pursuit of truth and knowledge. A politician who perjured himself to the entire nation ought to be pilloried, not patronized. If all you want is a packed house, bring in Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake.

David Reitz,

Missouri City, Texas