Choice of life

To the editor:

It was a sunny day in Acapulco, and as I watched the ebbs and flows of the tides, my dad told me that the best memories he has of his life are the two times he became a father.

I am Sergio Guerra, a graduate student in environmental engineering at Kansas University. I was born in Mexico City almost 27 years ago, and even though my mom would deny it, I was an unplanned child. When I think of the moment last summer, when my father told me about the highlights of his life, and today hear many women speaking in favor of abortion, I realize that I am fortunate for having the parents I have. However, I am most fortunate because I was given a choice, a choice to live. This is a choice that I could not put into words or transmit through the womb fluids where I was swimming, yet a choice that my parents respected. If I hadn’t been given this choice, all of my hopes, goals and aspirations would be nothing but a vapor that appears for a moment and then vanishes.

I think that we all have the right to life and we owe that respect to all human sentient beings, born or unborn. When we truncate the development of a fetus in the womb, we abort not only a precious soul but also the divine plan of some being as worthy as us. Let’s remember that we are all here because we were given a choice. Therefore, let’s honor this choice for life.

Sergio Guerra,
