Lifetime gift

To the editor:

This letter is to strongly support the continuation of the sixth-grade band program in our schools. This is a critical decision that will affect these children for a lifetime.

Most schools start the elementary band program at a younger age. Lawrence waits and offers a full-week program, resulting in strong junior high musicians.

In a town like Lawrence, I need not discuss the intellectual and academic benefits for kids involved in a music program. I need not mention the social benefits for pre-teens and teens to be involved in a positive group activity. I need not go on about how important it is for all kids to have a venue for esteem, popularity, a place to “fit in.”

Music is like running: It adds value and dimension to your life that lasts a lifetime. Simply look at the response to the KU uniform fund-raiser! Look at the number of people who come out to enjoy the city band concerts in the summer.

However, there is a big difference between running and playing the trombone. Anyone can run, there are lots of opportunities for kids to be involved in athletics. An instrument must be taught, though, by talented musicians who can also inspire. Children can have the desire, they don’t even necessarily have to have a lot of innate talent — but they MUST have instruction.

I hope the school board will give our kids the gift that will last a lifetime.

Karen Anderson,
