Correspondence between Chris Gladfelter and Sen. Kay O’Connor

Initial e-mail from Chris Gladfelter to Sen. Kay O’Connor, R-Olathe:

Dear Ms. O’Connor,

I am writing you today to urge you to oppose HCR 5033. This piece of
legislation would forever enshrine discrimination into the Constitution
of the State of Kansas. This document has served to protect the citizens
of Kansas for more than 100 years and now would exclude an entire group of citizens. Do not write discrimination into the Constitution of this

You may not be a supporter of same-sex marriage equality. However,
amending the Constitution is an unnecessary step to take. Kansas law already
defines marriage as a union of one man and one woman. This amendment serves
only a political purpose. It does nothing to strengthen families and will, in
fact, leave households in every county in Kansas less secure and less

I urge you to vote no on HCR 5033. See this legislation for what it is,
a mean-spirited attack on Kansas families. I look forward to hearing your

thoughts on this matter.

Thank you for your time.

Chris Gladfelter

O’Connor’s reply:

From: Kay O’Connor
To: Chris Gladfelter
Subject: Re: HCR 5033
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2004 10:38:31 -0600

March 9, 2004

Thank you for communicating with me regarding HCR 5033, the
constitutional amendment dealing with same sex marriage.

I am a co-sponsor and will be supporting the resolution.

Unfair discrimination against people of color or people with
disabilities, etc., is certainly to be rejected. However, a choice to
give into ones lust and not practice self-control is not a disability,
it is a life style choice.

Historically, any state or nation that gives into the lusty perversions
of the homosexual lifestyle, soon sees its own demise.

Like it or not, we are a nation founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs and
it (our constitution) has served us well for over two-hundred years.
The judicial branch has been over-stepping its bounds the past few years
and caused the need for this legal remedy.

Again, thanks for your email.


Kay O’Connor
Kansas State Senator
9th District

Gladfelter’s response:

Dear Ms. O’Connor,

Thank you for taking the time to address my concerns with HCR 5033. I respect that everyone is entitled to his or her own beliefs; however, it worries me when such beliefs are based on misunderstandings.

First of all, homosexuality is not a “lifestyle choice.” Researchers at many biological institutions around the world — such as the National Cancer Institute, Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, and McMaster University in Canada — agree that human begins do not make a conscious decision to become either heterosexual or homosexual. Why would some people choose to be discriminated against? The only choice in the matter for homosexuals is to deny or accept who they are.

Second, I am unaware of any state or nation that has met its demise as a result of succumbing to the “lusty perversions of the homosexual lifestyle.” Perhaps you are referring to the biblical city of Sodom? If so, then you should be aware that its story — like most stories in the Bible — has many interpretations. Many biblical scholars believe Sodom was destroyed not because of homosexuality but because of the inhospitality of all its residents.

Third, this nation may have been founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs, but our founding fathers made it clear that a separation of church and state was necessary. Religious beliefs should not interfere with politics and the civil rights of all the nation’s people. If anyone has been over stepping its bounds the past few years, it has been the religious fundamentalists.

Please consider learning more about how damaging HCR 5033 can be to homosexuals of Kansas and to Kansas’ reputation.

Again, thank you for your time.

Chris Gladfelter