Taxes too high

To the editor:

A local judge in Topeka has ordered the state to pour an additional billion dollars into public education, and our dear governor is breathing a sigh of relief.

She wanted to raise taxes, something all Democrats have in common, but she was fearful of the voter backlash.

Aha, now she has an excuse: She was ordered to do it, which she thinks will take the heat off her and her party.

And, as always, it will be the middle-income working people and retired people who will bear the brunt of her proposed tax increase on sales, property and income.

When will these politicians realize that the working people of Kansas are not undertaxed, the state is overspending.

When will they realize that public education is a bottomless pit when it comes to money, and if a billion additional dollars were added this year, next year they would be screaming for another billion.

It would be interesting to compare administrative costs for public education in Kansas to those in the states surrounding us.

Kansas is not attracting industry, and taxing our working people to death is going to make it less attractive and harder to lure job-producing enterprises.

We are not going to get any help from the governor on this, but maybe enough legislators will have enough backbone to stand up to that local judge and say no, our people are taxed too much already.

Jim Morris,
