FBI a joke

To the editor:

No wonder the FBI could not have prevented 9-11. It was too incompetent. Now, in Lawrence, it is wasting resources investigating a group of local anarchists — a bunch of young people who lost faith that the present U.S. government could be changed without radical overhaul (J-W, Saturday). Looking at the Bush administration, with its daily disasters, we sometimes feel the same way while still believing it can be changed in the next election.

The incompetence, or ill will, of the FBI is best illustrated by the statement of Jeff Lanza, FBI spokesman in Kansas City, quoted by the newspaper: “Agents typically try to contact family members if they are having difficulty finding someone.” Difficulty finding someone? They must be joking! Why not start with the Lawrence telephone directory?

Speculating on who might attack the Democratic convention, the FBI should focus on Islamists, foreign and domestic, and the American right wing. We have conveniently forgotten the Oklahoma City bombing, in which many victims were kindergarten children. Attorney Richard Frydman, who agreed to represent the anarchists if needed, should be commended for standing up for our rights to peacefully assemble without us, or our families, being harassed by U.S. Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft’s Justice Department. We hope to be joined by others to contribute to his expenses in this case.

Maura and Jarek Piekalkiewicz,
