Sports trivia

To the editor:

Strange that this newspaper and a few academics would dare to question the role of sports in the American educational system (Journal-World editorial “Athletic emphasis,” Jan. 11). What planet are they living on? Schools reflect culture, and as citizens and students of the greatest nation on earth, we demand the right to be entertained 24/7/365.

The training of a loyal fan must begin at an early age. What lesson does the aspiring young student draw when he hears of sport stars “earning” multimillion-dollar contracts, while his/her teacher is likely eligible for food stamps? Moreover, the Journal-World’s preaching about the evils of college athletics does seem a bit disingenuous. Your editor clearly understands that reducing coverage of the Jayhawks would hurt sales. When was the last time this newspaper offered a two-page color spread on some research development at the university?

A word of caution for the academics (many of whom are closet fans): Sports, at any level in this country, is not a trivial issue. So what if I’m a loser, living paycheck to paycheck, without health insurance or a voice in government; at least I’ve got my winning team, a big-box TV and a six-pack. Think of the social and economic fallout if today’s student/consumer/spectator began to question the status quo. Where would they channel all that frustration and dissatisfaction?

Children/students aren’t stupid, and while we might wave the holy banner of education, they watch how we actually live. Go Lions, Jayhawks, Chiefs!

Ray Finch,
