Select audience

To the editor:

Regarding Andrea Zuercher’s letter Feb. 7, I must disagree. We had 20-25 adults, male and female, mostly college grads over for the Super Bowl. We laughed at the commercials and no one was offended or complained.

I am a pro football fan and the Super Bowl is the holy day for such fans. The majority of pro football fans are beer-consuming adult males. Admittedly, our sense of humor is somewhat crude and unrefined, like it or not. Advertisers realize this fact and direct their commercials in that direction. It’s not directed toward the Mister Rogers crowd, the Bible study class, the knitting circle or the Betty Crocker Club. If Super Bowl commercials are offensive, perhaps next year I suggest you pack the kiddies off to bed or you can put the PAX channel on. But please, don’t shove your morality down our throats.

Craig Tucker,
