Anti-terror bus?

To the editor:

After careful and exhaustive analysis of all available national security intelligence data I have come to the rational conclusion that Lawrence, Kansas, is not now, nor ever will be, in the crosshairs of the international terrorists. I can say that with a much higher degree of certainty than Colin Powell told us that Iraq has 500 tons of chemical weapons ready to launch at Lawrence with 45 minutes notice.

I am trying hard to understand why this little city needs a $360,000 anti-terror bus. Maybe when our police chief visited Israel, at the taxpayers’ expense, he learned how to keep a docile population fearful all the time by having this bus cruising the streets with loudspeakers announcing the change from red to orange to chartreuse terror levels.

Let’s get serious around here. If we have an extra $360,000 lying around earmarked for a stupid bus, let’s do something that will make Lawrence a better and safer place to live. That amount would be a good start on the way to an adequate homeless shelter. This would show the commitment of our citizens to fairness and compassion. This is a difficult problem that really needs to be addressed and it can be solved. That money would really come in handy to turn this good idea into a positive reality.

Michael Morley,
