There is truth

To the editor:

Regarding Marc Deveraux’s letter of Dec. 20, his statement that “conservative Christians seem to think they are the only ones that know the truth” has a problem. All Christians (conservative or not) should know the truth (and believe so) because the Bible, which they believe, so commands, “you shall know the truth.” Pilate asked the question, “What is truth?” Christ said, “I am the truth. …” (Sadly, many “Christians” think they don’t have the truth; or sadder yet, they have it and do not study it, as they have been commanded).

A good point Mr. Deveraux makes, or alludes to, is that there IS a truth. I agree wholeheartedly. People for millennia have confessed that there is a truth, and pursued it. In 1562, Frederick III commissioned the Heidelberg Catechism. In 1647, men in England “confessed” (the Westminster Confession). Guido de Bres “confessed” truth in 1562 (Belgic Confession) to convince Phillip II, and was publicly hanged May 31, 1567.

Yes, there is truth. Many people in this post-modern world say there is no truth. The Bible, however, says that there are some people who cannot know the truth, because it is spiritually discerned. I Cor 2:14

Regarding errors in the Bible, (sun and moon, etc.), literary styles such as hyperbole, metaphor and poetry are used throughout the Bible, as in other literature. For example, I love my wife “like roses like rain.” I’m not sure what roses “like” but I know that literary style exists and is valid and is in the Bible.

Harris Tate,
