Loss of nature

To the editor:

As I jogged a peaceful nature route that I had previously frequented before being caught up in coursework as a student, I was devastated by the immense changes that reflected the construction work on Kansas University’s west campus. While these new sites are sure to provide renowned research opportunities for the university, it is somewhat paradoxical that much of the natural habitat surrounding these areas has been destroyed for the prosperity of science.

Not only is my running course now about to be obscured by gleaming new buildings, I had also used the well-trodden path to show the children I baby-sit some of the wonders of nature and fascinating fauna and flora. As a past resident of Colorado, I have witnessed transcendent views of the mountains be ruined by the monotony and overpopulation of the masses by rows upon rows of stark, stoic condominiums and giant buildings. Lawrence is being sucked into this trend as pedestrian mainstay condominiums continue to flourish on the outskirts of town and our natural wetlands become only history to our town.

I feel powerless to stop this suburban sprawl, much like the main character in the recent movie, “I Heart Huckabees” (a.k.a. Wal-Mart). I, too, will soon be forced to read poems to preserve a small few square feet of land that I have taken for granted with every stride of my treadmill/concrete-worn running shoes.

Jayme A. Aschemeyer,
