Roundabout route

To the editor:

I hear Lawrence is about to be subjected to yet another roundabout. Have you ever tried to drive through one of those things? The one at 19th and Barker streets is the one I find most annoying and possibly dangerous. I approach that intersection with fear.

I cautiously drive toward it. There are cars driving through it from all directions. If you are a polite driver, you are screwed. I found that out quickly. Three cars bang around the corner from one direction, failing to yield right of way. I wait until I can proceed safely. I observe a woman in a car coming from 19th, waiting until she could go through without yet another car violating the yield signs. I hope she was finally able to proceed safely. She may still be there.

This corner is not nearly as busy as the one at 19th and Louisiana street. We are ready to spend $345,000 on another one of these boondoggles? Our schools are falling apart, and we are going to spend this much money creating another mess? I can only imagine the problems this will create. Hello? People do not know how to drive through these things.

Let’s spend this enormous amount of money on something more worthy: our schools; the education of our children. Apparently we have some money to spare. Roundabouts may look pretty, but they cost plenty. I know I will avoid 19th and Louisiana if that thing goes in. I feel sorry for the bus drivers and parents who cannot.

Kathy Schott Gates,
