Real costs

To the editor:

I too must raise my voice in concern over the superintendent’s decision to close Lawrence Alternative High School. Fred Scheller in “Take A Stand” on Monday says it well and has seen firsthand the difference the school has made in his son’s life.

I have been on the LAHS campus and witnessed how the staff intensely support their students. Does the superintendent truly believe that the virtual school is a viable option for many of these students? Will they continue to get the support they need on our large high school campuses? I would hope so but am skeptical.

If this move is a cost-saving measure, are staff going to be let go? My guess is they will not lose their jobs but be reassigned. Since salaries and benefits are the greatest expense at most schools, how much are we really saving? And at what cost to these children and the community over the long run are these savings made?

Jane Robinson,
