Activity support

To the editor:

Almost everyone attended a high school event this year. Whether it was a football game or band concert, it took money to fund the event. The football game at Memorial Stadium could have been played at Free State, but they don’t have the money to provide a home stadium. Therefore, the state should increase funding of extracurricular activities. More money leads to better facilities and allows student athletes to reach their maximum potential in and out of the classroom.

Students engaged in activities have a 0.5 higher grade point average than students who are not involved. This enhancement is due to dedication learned through competition. Participating in extracurricular activities not only helps in school, but educates for life skills. Also, student athletes would be able to spend more time in the classroom with home facilities. This would allow a later game time, reducing missed classes. Students who don’t participate in activities are then more likely to partake in school spirit, amplifying student involvement. Finally, studies show that students who are involved are 40 percent less likely to smoke or drink, according to the American Medical Assn.

If the state wants to see an increase in test scores and student grades; they need to increase funding for extracurricular activities. Students will become more involved in their school and be able to take pride in their home facilities. The much needed extra funding will enhance student participation and drive them to succeed on and off the court.

Allie Hock,
