Thanks, Rush

To the editor:

Receiving an insult from someone whose top skill is baseless name-calling generally means you’re doing the right thing. When it happens on the playground, it usually means the name-caller is scared, jealous or needs a nap.

So Rush Limbaugh says Lawrence is, “all that you’ve thought liberal academia is rolled into one little population center.”

Let’s review. Academic: Of, relating to, or characteristic of a school, especially one of higher learning. Liberal: Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox or authoritarian attitudes, views or dogmas; free from bigotry. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

Considering the alternative would be a community full of close-minded, bigoted, uneducated folks, that’s quite a compliment. Thanks, Rush!

Christy Kennedy,
