Low blows

To the editor:

As an independent voter, I am continually astounded at the depths to which the radical Republicans now in power will sink to try to maintain that power. My astonishment at this phenomenon is perhaps equaled by the willingness of seemingly reasonable Kansas citizens to go wallowing in the gutter along with them. Impugning a Vietnam veteran (aren’t we done impugning them!!) because he happens to be running for president — and this by someone who can’t even show up for National Guard duty, much less lead combat troops — is inexcusable.

Has anyone noticed the main commonality between Vietnam and Iraq? Both have occurred while a Texan was the sitting president. There is no shortage of excellent accounts of the slime bucket of Texas politics (for example Molly Ivins, Joe Conason of the Bush era, Robert Caro of the Johnson era). That these politicians will literally do anything for power is documented beyond question and should automatically disqualify them to hold national public office. These are not merely bad presidents, but they bring the corruption of their home state to the national level where — perhaps we can agree on this — we need no further corruption.

There was a time in America where statesmanship mattered (or so I’ve read). Now, we’ve progressed to the level of “sliming” as a substitute for reasoned debate; hot button issues have replaced issues of substance, of day-to-day governmental affairs. Everyone’s on a crusade for power (and wealth) and no one’s running the ship.

Doug Harvey
