Smoking signs

To the editor:

As an owner of a bakery in Lawrence, I have been watching with interest and amazement as our city “fathers” have been trying to decide if they are going to let my customers smoke in my establishment. Don’t misunderstand me, I am not a smoker, and I discourage anyone from smoking.

It really seems wrong to me that people sitting in a room uptown think they know better than me what my customers can do in my business. Doesn’t it seem right that I should make these decisions? I pay the bills here, and I make these kinds of decisions every day.

Since this is supposed to be a free country, I would not object to an ordinance that says bars and restaurants must post a sign saying “smoking allowed,” “no smoking allowed” or “we have a smoking section.” This would allow potential customers to make an informed decision before they enter. I think everyone could live with that.

Michael Tennyson,
