A fine choice

To the editor:

In response to State Rep. Frank Miller’s letter (Public Forum, April 20), President Clinton is a fine choice for the Dole Institute’s inaugural speaker. He was properly elected by the American people twice (defeating Sen. Dole in 1996). Having a former president is a fantastic get in my opinion and I applaud everyone who worked to secure his commitment.

I would like to first say that Mr. Miller’s perception of KU as a “far-left-wing liberal university” has not hurt its reputation nationally. KU has recently been honored yet again by U.S. News & World Report as well as the Princeton Review as an excellent institution of higher learning.

Blaming President Clinton is a sport for current Republicans. Nothing is their fault; everything is the result of the previous administration’s shortcomings. President Clinton balanced the budget; provided the American people with unprecedented economic growth and success; championed the environment domestically and abroad; fought terrorism (1st WTC attack, USS Cole), and waged a war to oust a genocidal maniac (Slobodan Milosevic). This was accomplished without the support of the same Republicans who today feel that speaking out against the president and his policies somehow makes you either anti-American, a terrorist or both.

It is irresponsible for Rep. Miller to misrepresent the 9-11 commission as having found fault with President Clinton. Taking facts out of context and using them to support false claims is a consistent crutch of many of today’s Republicans.

Eric Beightel,
