Speed limit fine

To the editor:

In my opinion, raising the highway speed limit to 75 mph may not be a very good decision. Many drivers will infer that this speed limit applies to all stretches of highway and will drive at higher speeds regardless of weather or traffic conditions. As a highway commuter, I increasingly see drivers display unsafe driving habits.

Keeping proper following distance is the main infraction I see. Two car lengths at 80 mph is not nearly enough spacing, yet drivers continue to push the limits. And so often I see drivers traveling above speed limits during rain or ice conditions. I also suspect that overcorrection errors and the resulting loss of vehicle control may occur because the driver may be using a cell phone.

In summary, I think most drivers fail to realize that traffic actually moves faster if you drive at a safe and steady speed opposed to speeding up, braking, speeding up, etc. Perhaps unwittingly, these types of drivers are making conditions more hazardous for others as we are forced to increase our speeds to keep up with the faster traffic flow. In addition, I do not believe a higher speed limit is a good policy because of our current need to conserve gasoline. I also do not believe that a 5 mph raise will encourage more drivers to use Kansas highways. I do not want to sound too critical, I just want to voice my opinion on this issue because this policy could result in an increase of accidents.

David J. Klebek,
