Energy source

To the editor:

Renewable energy technologies utilize the largest untapped energy resources in the United States. Their expanded use will result in numerous benefits to many millions of America’s energy consumers. Expansion of renewable technologies usage would diversify our nation’s energy supply, enhance national security, promote the use of locally indigenous resources, help stabilize energy prices, help improve the reliability of our electricity system, assist in pollution control efforts, and provide a stimulus for economic growth and new jobs over the broadest sectors of our economy.

Tax incentives are essential to encourage both new investment in renewable energy production and utilization. There should be no question that these are the top priority of the rapidly growing renewable energy industries.

Adopting these appropriate tax and policy measures will help ensure that future U.S. electricity supplies will be available from a diverse, domestic, renewable resource base.

Kansas, being among the states having the most available renewable resources in the nation and having recently become a net energy importer, should not hesitate in developing and initiating the most aggressive legislative measures to advance local renewable energy production and use ever enacted. To do less would be to hobble Kansas and Kansans.

Les Blevins,
