Similarities end

To the editor:

In the Oct. 12 “Liberal traitors” letter, Jim Morris equated Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s raid on Tokyo with George W. Bush’s attack of Iraq and said he was “sickened” by those who think otherwise.

Get a pencil. We’ll go over this one more time.

Japan (a country) attacked Pearl Harbor. The U.S. retaliated appropriately. Al-Qaida (terrorists from many countries), led by Osama bin Laden (a Saudi living in Afghanistan), attacked the U.S. on 9-11. We attacked Afghanistan, but didn’t find bin Laden.

The “imminent threat” of weapons of mass destruction was Bush’s justification for the preemptive attack and current occupation of Iraq. His “intelligence” was based on lies, and no WMD have been found.

A traitor is “one who betrays one’s country.” What do you call someone in the ultimate position of trust and authority who: a) lies to Congress and the American people, b) needlessly puts U.S. service men and women into harm’s way, and c) defies and angers the world community and enrages terrorists and their sympathizers, further endangering Americans everywhere?

While you’re trying to get your facts straight, remember that both Bush administrations have more demonstrable ties to Saddam Hussein and the bin Laden family than the latter do to each other. Terrorist cells exist in countries everywhere. Saddam Hussein was just one of many tyrants (see Do you really know “who” and “where” the enemy is?

One more thing. FDR (elected legitimately and by a majority of voters) once used the office now occupied by GWB, but the similarities stop there.

Christy Kennedy,
