Civil service issue

To the editor:

I recently attended a town hall meeting on the campus of Kansas University that concerned a proposal that the current civil service system for the state of Kansas public employees be eliminated. Until this meeting I was under the impression that this idea had originated with the university’s Classified Senate, but after sitting through this meeting, it became apparent that the elimination of our civil service system would be a winning proposition in every aspect for the administration.

They would be able to run Kansas University the way they like with no effective oversight from anyone. In exchange, the classified employees receive promises and a whole lot of nothing except a slogan heard many times: “Just trust us.” There are no guarantees, only a “plan” that has more holes that Carter has pills.

If Rep. Tom Sloan really wants to help state employees and retirees, then he should draft a bill that would support the funding for cost-of-living allowances and annual step increases with three more steps added at the end. I urge all classified employees not to vote for empty promises with a price of giving your rights away. Just ask Mr. Sloan to do the right thing and fight for the proper funding without giving away the rights of his constituents.

I am asking that the classified employees do the right thing and vote this proposal down and give your governor the chance to do us right. She has only been in office for nine months and she is working for us.

Bill Glover,
