U.S. hypocrisy

To the editor:

Incredible. Who would have thought it possible to write a long editorial on America’s fight against terrorism (“Long, long road,” Nov. 1) and never once mention a single U.S. action that might prompt a terrorist response. America is not a “popular target” because of its democratic ideals or free market values, but rather for its hypocrisy and greed (support for undemocratic, but oil-rich regimes; unilateral actions regardless of world opinion; indiscriminate weapon sales; one-sided support in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; etc.). We will never reach the end of this road as long as we pretend that every U.S. action is pure and noble, while those of our enemies are irrational and evil. Granted, the terrorists that grow in the fetid swamps of injustice, intolerance and poverty must be destroyed. But, if the United States wants to help build a high road to global peace and prosperity, it ought to make sure that it is not contributing sludge.

Ray C. Finch III,
