Cut the T

To the editor:

In the May 20 Journal-World, Barbara Carswell, a Housing Trust Fund board member, was quoted referring to the city’s budget crunch: “All of the areas in the budget, there isn’t one where you can say, this is a good place to cut.” Apparently she hasn’t had the opportunity to observe the city’s herd of gigantic pink elephants: the T buses.

Their slogan reads, “Your City in Motion.” It should read, “Your Tax Dollars Up in Smoke.” Ten large buses, nonstop, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., six days a week. Just the fuel costs and the transit system administrator’s $55,000 yearly salary would pay for free car rides for the handful of riders! It’s obvious that a town of 90,000 cannot begin to support such an overblown system. Direct tax dollars in proportion to existing needs of the community. Ms. Carswell, the T “is a good place to cut!”

Mark Schreiber,
