Penalty needed

To the editor:

I disagree with Ann Carlin Ozegovic regarding the death penalty (May 7, Public Forum). Of course, the reason the death penalty is so expensive is because of all the endless legal appeals. I believe, under certain circumstances, capital punishment must be maintained, two of which are contemporary. I refer to current cases, Reginald and Jonathan Carr in Wichita and John Robinson in Kansas City.

These people are guilty of horrible, heinous crimes. There is no doubt regarding their guilt. Their victims received no appeals as they pleaded for their lives.

I feel people like these do not obey any conscience or moral code like you and I. Regardless of the cost, you must consider the safety of prison guards, doctors and other prisoners. As long as they live, they pose a threat to others they come into contact with.

If you view cost as an argument, figure on the cost of a manhunt if they should escape or the medical expenses should they live into their 80s. Finally, just ask Robinson’s or the Carr brothers’ victims how they feel. You know they would agree with me.

Craig Tucker,
