For all students

To the editor:

Much has been written recently about the Lawrence Alternative High School. I want to share some additional information.

The mission of LAHS is to keep kids in school. Many students wait for an opening, continuing to fail. Some even drop out before we can accept them. If the bond issue passes, an expanded facility will allow us to proactively serve 250 students, including ninth-graders, as well as provide a school setting for three self-contained programs which add to the continuum of services for secondary students in Lawrence.

We can be proud of the efforts we have made in Lawrence to provide quality Early Childhood Programs for children who are at risk. It is equally important to support these students at each level of their education.

The at-risk students in Lawrence come from every neighborhood, and from every one of our elementary schools. They are not someone else’s kids. They are our children; we are responsible for all of them. Students who struggle with the issues that contribute to school failure and their families should not be excluded or diminished.

I have been saddened and embarrassed that we allow some individuals to convince us that “these kids” don’t deserve an adequate and appropriate school. I hope this community has the courage to stand up for all of our students, show all of them they are valued, and that when we say how important education is to us, we take the necessary steps to make it happen.

Judy Juneau,
