No rubber stamp

To the editor:

I read with great amusement the implications of divisiveness this “new” political action committee is accusing the “Progressive” candidate of. All this labeling makes me think of the pictures of the Kansas Statehouse in the 1890s, when people took up arms against populist members entering the legislative chambers. It’s that same kind of knee-jerk reaction by the status quo.

All of this is just an action and reaction issue. After watching development run amok for many years, and apparently with the blessings of some in this community, more responsible voices have attempted to right the course here. This is a democracy, right? In a democracy, a constituent’s opinions aren’t tossed in the trash. Voting constituents have the right to expect a democratic process, not one of rubber-stamping with no real concern for the consequences.

The words “smart growth” have been tossed around quite a bit. I’ve seen the results of “smart growth” on numerous visits to Portland, Ore. Many former Lawrence residents also live there. Municipal issues take on an educated tone, not one of paternal or maternal cronyism.

Something needs to be done to attract the right kind of businesses that will benefit this community with livable wages. Those who feel threatened by the recent election developments should realize that power does lie in the voters, and that voters don’t have a rubber-stamp.

Mike Ford,
