No response

To the editor:

Recently I contacted a number of elected officials via e-mail on an issue I felt was of importance not only to myself but many other Kansas citizens.

I sent my inquiry to a number of state and federal elected officials, and not one responded.

Considering that “discrimination” was the topic of my inquiry, the silence of these elected officials speaks volumes.

It seems to me that many of the elected representatives in our state either do not have the wherewithal or the inclination to respond to “certain” e-mail inquiries.

My inquiry addressed a concern I had, a personal story, and in addition I asked for input and inquired about how I can help improve the topic of concern.

Virtually every elected official has some e-mail link as a means of contact, but, oddly enough, most choose not to utilize it or only utilize it when it is in their interest.

If our elected officials have no intention of communicating or at least acknowledging inquiries by constituents, they should remove the e-mail links from their Web pages and other government Web publications.

Elected officials need to understand that silence (particularly on the issue of discrimination, regardless of the type) in many cases, makes a more glaring statement.

The silence of these elected representatives speaks volumes about their commitment to maintaining the status quo.

Lawrence D. Bush,
