Brave soldiers

To the editor:

As an Army veteran who served more than 20 years, I am very disturbed that the Journal-World would give such credence to Mr. White and his group Veterans for Peace (J-W, Feb. 26).

First of all, Mr. White’s service of a whopping four years in the U.S. Marine Corps does not qualify him as a veteran. Second, if Mr. White accepted and practiced the alleged behavior of telling lies to recruits and performed these violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice himself, thereby making him a criminal in the eyes of the military, I am glad he left the Marines. Lastly, I am glad he is no longer in the finest organization in the world because his behavior is that of dishonor, revenge and self-gain.

I can tell you from personal experience that the U.S. Marines are above reproach from anything Mr. White said. I have and always will trust my life to anyone who wears the Marine uniform and encourage any young Americans to look into the Marines, or any of the armed forces for that matter, as a stepping stone to success.

Better to experience honor and courage with people who prove their worth every day than follow a person who obviously has some personal agenda. Attack our politicians but leave our brave and selfless soldiers out of your personal agendas.

Dan Ward,
