Only adaptation

To the editor:

Christina Bolas, in her July 22 letter, said, “Evolution is simply a fact, not a theory.” She also said that Donna Farrier believes in evolution because bacteria is resistant to penicillin today, but not 50 years ago. What this really proves is adaptation. Creationists believe that each kind or species can adapt to its environment. This bacteria has adapted. The bacteria has not evolved into any other kind of creature than what it originally was.

No scientist has ever observed one type of creature changing into another kind. If evolution actually did occur you would think that scientist, after observing hundreds of thousands of reproductive cycles in bacteria, would be able to show us one kind of bacteria changing into another kind of creature. They can’t. All they can do is find a skeleton of an extinct animal and tell us it proves evolution.

Real science observes and reports. Real science has never observed an evolutionary change in kind, but poor scientists love to preach their beliefs and report it as fact.

Stan Helweg,
