Patriotic pride

To the editor:

I have read your signs and asked myself, “Is peace really patriotic?”

Patriotic — Webster: Befitting or characteristic of a patriot. American Heritage: Feeling, expressing or inspired by love for one’s country.

The National Museum of Patriotism in Georgia says “patriotism” is, “love for one’s country, to support, serve and defend, to be inspired by, to change for the better and to care deeply for its citizens.”

Patriot — Webster: “One who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests.” American Heritage: “One who loves, supports and defends one’s country.”

Historically the word “patriot” described the soldiers and the militia who fought war against the British.

I do not find the word “peace” in any of the definitions for patriot, patriotic or patriotism.

In conclusion, to serve, (fighting for, defending one’s country) to be a soldier, to support our country’s authority, supporting our troops, supporting our government, to love our country is truly patriotic. Peace is actually the goal and the end result of patriotic actions.

In our U.S. history, patriotic patriots who were full of patriotism have fought in numerous wars and battles so you could display protest signs in your front yard, even if they do not make sense.

I am the grandson of a patriot, the son of a patriot and I am also the father and supporter of a current patriot serving in the U.S. Army and father-in-law to another patriot serving in the U.S. Air Force. God bless their patriotic hearts and lives!

Sam Hunsaker,
