Smoke, mirrors

To the editor:

In response to Mr. Triumphant Conservative (Public Forum, Friday):

I have never been one to like the labels “liberal” or “conservative.” I can be liberal on one issue, conservative on another and moderate on yet another.

However these days there is no way I would call myself a conservative. The people who do are intolerable. You say the regimes of Hitler and Stalin were liberal, which is ridiculous. Hitler’s Germany was ultra-nationalistic Christian ideologies, which sounds very much like the conservative movement of today and especially the columnists you noted who are hateful bigots. If you substituted Jew for every mention of Muslims, their writing would sound very much like the writers of Nazi Germany. So do not try your smoke and mirror tactics to make black into white and white into black.

As for conservatives being triumphant, I can only pray that our country is coming out of the fog after 9-11 and realizing that to be patriotic doesn’t mean we have to follow blindly behind a leader who is leading it down a very dangerous path. I hope and believe that in the end, America will be triumphant because we will do the right thing ultimately and get rid of the current regime and bring sanity back.

Lori Safadi,
