War rhetoric

To the editor:

The Jan. 25 Saturday Column expresses concern Democrats might go to extremes to embarrass Bush the next two years. How sad your publisher has such a short memory. Can he spell Watergate? Democrats did not create Enron, Tyco, or WorldCom’s disgrace! Did Democrats write Trent Lott’s speech or nominate a racist Republican judge from Mississippi to be appointed for life, or try to shut down affirmative action in Michigan? Republicans embarrass themselves — Cheney dodging GSA subpoenas from his secret hiding place, the massive dismantling of the EPA, reopening National Forests for logging, opting out of that Kyoto global warning treaty, reintroducing snowmobiles in Yellowstone, attempting to drill the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, Star Wars and those sweet tax breaks for Bush’s wealthy “donors.”

As far as Bush’s “war” goes, for a year and a half all we have heard from the White House and Congress is talk about the bogeyman to keep us in constant fear. Americans are both weary and wary of war rhetoric. If Bush indeed has proof of weapons of mass destruction, then share it openly with the American people who will be sending their children to fight and die for this country. I don’t think Bush’s or Cheney’s daughters have joined the Marine Corps yet, have they?

A message to White House and Congress, Democrats and Republicans — it’s the economy, stupids!

Curtis D. Bennett,
