Watch Sebelius

To the editor:

In an article on Atty. Gen.-elect Phill Kline being watched by HAWK, perhaps a group, called JUSTICE, (Judeo-Christians Uncovering Sebelius Trickery Involving Catholic Electorate) should be formed as HAWK’s counterbalance.

Gov.-elect Kathleen Sebelius, in a letter sent to Catholics, on Oct. 28, stated “I am not pro-abortion. I will not, and never have, promoted abortion.” Yet, Sebelius’ voting records clearly indicate her pro-abortion stand. Sebelius received endorsements during her campaign from Pro-Choice Action League, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Kansas and Mid-Missouri, Pro Kan Do PAC and Mainstream Coalition MAIN-PAC, all groups who support abortion.

She also received multiple contributions from Dr. George Tiller who is owner of Women’s Health Care PA of Wichita, who is well-known for late-term abortions and partial-birth abortions. Tiller stated in a Sept. 9, 2002, fund-raising letter that he personally contributed $200,000 to the Pro Kan Do PAC to help defeat Tim Shallenburger.

It is Sebelius who needs to be watched as it appears she used deceit to gain votes.

Carole J. Barry,
