Limited view

To the editor:

It was amusing to see Scott Rothschild refer to The Leaven as a newspaper (“Abortion stirs inaugural spat,” Jan. 3.) There is only one viewpoint propagated through The Leaven, that of its sitting president, Archbishop Keleher.

Many Catholics are deeply distressed by Keleher’s insistence that simply banning abortion is akin to working for social justice. The poor, family farmers, exploited laborers and many other marginalized Catholics suffer because of the red herring that abortion is. Many of us feel the pro-life movement is a fraud and that Keleher’s childish potshots at Sebelius underscore his fecklessness as our leader.

Our viewpoints would never be represented in The Leaven — though, not for lack of trying. It would be more suitable to call it a “publication of indoctrination.”

Tom Keating,
