She’s convinced

To the editor:

I had decided to vote “no” on the school bond issue. I have questions about the consulting process. I think too large of a package is being crammed down our throats. I question the need for a separate alternative high school, especially with the new name, Lawrence Futures Academy — sounds like a private school, which it is in many respects. I have concerns about children on the east side.

I’m not opposed to combining two schools on the east side. I do think the kids will be better served in slightly larger schools with improved facilities. It is the responsibility of all citizens to make sure the transition is handled well and those children get the services they need.

I would much rather spend money on teacher salaries and smaller class sizes. However, that’s not how school financing works. You can’t make “applesauce out of oranges.” As passionate as I feel about teachers and class size, I’ve decided nothing is ever perfect. I’m going to vote “yes.”

My reasons: South Junior High School desperately needs replacing. Visit — you’ll be convinced. Even given concerns about the alternative high school, kids cannot be blamed for the circumstances in which they grow up. Lawrence Alternative High School may be their hope for a healthy and hopeful adulthood. They need decent facilities. In combining east side schools, the buildings must have their facilities upgraded; that’s only fair. Tour Langston Hughes School and tour East Heights School; that will answer any doubts you have.

Karen Anderson,
