City action

To the editor:

In regards to our Jan. 19 Public Forum letter, “Angry neighbor,” we are pleased to report, within a week, Mike Wildgen, city manager, viewed our property and, as of Feb. 18, our sign has been replaced by the city.

We regret the Feb. 9 response from Andrew M. Hammond who assumed Charlotte Muckey was C. Muckey of the Centennial neighborhood (our daughter, Cynthia). My response to his letter was to point out “Cordley district” high-density and how it became that way. All you would have to do is try to use 18th Street from Vermont to Louisiana at peak hours and try to pass a school bus or sanitation trucks and you can see there is difficulty since the street is a little narrow.

At any rate, thanks to the Journal-World, we did get some action.

Isn’t there an old saying “Being taken as for granted as the daily newspaper”? We for one still appreciate “our” daily paper.

Charlotte Muckey,
