Cause for protest

To the editor:

Questions for the Lawrence Coalition on Peace and Justice:

How many protests in the last 12-13 years have you been involved in criticizing:

1. The gassing of Kurds by Saddam (don’t forget the Iranians); or

2. Iraq’s lies to the U.N.; or

3. The luxury items Saddam has imported under the U.N. Food For Oil program rather than feeding his own people; or

4. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; or

5. Iraq’s violations of several U.N. resolutions; or

6. The recent statement by Tariq Aziz that they will not destroy missiles the U.N. teams recently found violated the 93-mile limit; or

7. Iraq’s failure to account for tons of anthrax, botulism and other chemical and biological agents as cited by Blix; or

8. The massive human rights violations as detailed by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International committed by Saddam; or

9. The purchasing of proscribed items from European industrial sources and the illegal smuggling of oil in violation of U.N. sanctions to pay for same, or

10. Summary execution of Kuwaitis during the occupation by Iraq; or

11. Torture of Allied POWs during the Gulf War; or

12. Crimes carried out by Uday Hussein.

So, have you protested any of these items, or have you been saving your protesting mojo for a more media-friendly one?

James T. Glackin,
